Category: Cancer

Basal Cell carcinoma Fades Away

Basal Cell carcinoma Fades Away

Using the BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife machine with the plasma raytubes, BCX LEDs & a Hymbas practitioner protocol and in a short amount of time you can see how the Basal Cell has faded away. 1st picture is before treatment…

Hymbas Practitioner is an Asset

Hymbas Practitioner is an Asset

I had a session with Mark yesterday. I found him to be very amiable and very knowledgeable regarding the BCX Ultra and its protocols, especially as regards the cancer protocols. He is quite an asset to your team. Thanks, Dr.…

Beyond a treatment plan!

Beyond a treatment plan!

Hi Diann, I just wanted to update you on my practitioner’s session with Mark.  I just got off of the phone with him.  We had what I considered a very productive hour.  I was impressed as he was very prepared…

Really Impressed; Very Excited!

Really Impressed; Very Excited!

Hello Diann, I just finished the practitioner session with Mark and I am really impressed. He has a great knowledge and tons of experience with the Rife technology. Being myself in the alternative health field for the past 25 years and having…

Professionally Cared For

Professionally Cared For

Hi Diann, Thank you again for all the help and going out of your way to get us our BCX unit and beam light expeditiously. My brother Buford and his wife Lanelle are also ever so greatful… Buford’s condition is…

Covid-Omicron Success Testimonial!

Mark, Thank you for sharing the frequency settings for treating Omicron variant of the Corona Virus.  After receiving a positive test result last Monday I began the frequencies 3 times daily on Tuesday through Thursday evening, at which time I…

Synergistic Approach to Healing!

Hi Diann: I wanted to provide feedback on my Hymbas practitioner session with Mark.     I had my session this afternoon and it was great.  More than I expected.  Mark was prompt and we were able to start on time.…

Who Could ask for More?

Hello Mark, I just wanted to thank you for your very Complete Practitioner Session yesterday. You are always so Helpful! You gave us so much information about the Rife machine and how to address Albert’s Specific issues with the Protocol. …