Category: Comparison of Most Rifes

WHY BCX ULTRA Rife Frequency Generator?

1. Wide Range of Wave Types including our exclusive Square ‘Pulse’ Wave. Wave Types are imperative to kill of organisms. Here is why 2. Runs ALL ORIGINAL RIFE Frequencies. BCX Ultra runs from 1Hz up to 4MHz. NOTE: 4MHz…

HAND-HELD RAY TUBES vs Metal Cylinders

HAND-HELD RAY TUBES vs Metal Cylinders

Royal R. Rife always used ray tubes with his frequency devices. Our hand held ray tubes complete the circuit by running through the body between the hand held ray tubes thus guaranteeing that the frequencies penetrate deep through out the…

BCX Ultra a world-class machine

 My name is John White.. I am an electrical engineer with 30 years experience in electronics and high power circuitry. I have a technical background and don’t have a blind belief in alternative healing. I wish to give feedback of…

Hand-held Ray Tubes Success

Since 1994 I have been using various designs of offset Square wave Frequency generators. Purchased from other manufactures and made my own. Utilizing frequencies with hand held Metal cylinders as the primary conducting source. We were experiencing just ok results.…