BCX Ultra Plasma Ray Tubes Power Increases When Touched! (video)

Video shows power conducted & that the circuit is being completed from 1 Hand held Raytube to hand through body to other hand to other Raytube. The BCX Ultra Rife machine Raytubes are differential devices, meaning that they operate opposite from each other and are attracted to conduct electricity from one to the other. Air is a pretty good insulator, whereas electrolytes (including salt) in water make tissue a reasonably effective conductor.

There are other manufacturers stating our BCX Ultra Plasma ray tubes loose power and are less effective then metal cylinders. As you can clearly see in the video that actually when touching both of the hand-held ray tubes not only does the power go higher than  our stated 30 watts but it also shows that it is conductive (meaning it goes from 1 tube THRU the body to the other tube completing the circuitry)

An ammeter is shown connected to the Ultra and shows the power being drawn. When the tubes are not lit, the amount of amps shown is the current to power the basic Ultra circuit (display, electronics, etc.). When the tubes are lit, the amount of amps shown is the current to power the basic Ultra circuit plus to the Raytubes.  1. With No Raytubes held, the amps drawn is 0.7 amps. This is the current going to power the basic Ultra circuit plus the Raytubes through open air. 2. With One Raytube held, the amps drawn is 0.9 amps. This is the current going to power the basic Ultra circuit plus the Raytubes through open air plus ONE Raytube held. Therefore, there are 0.9 amps – 0.7 amps = 0.2 amps going into 1 hand. 3. With Both Raytubes held, the amps drawn is 2.6 amps. This is the current going to power the basic Ultra circuit plus the Raytubes through open air plus BOTH Raytubes held. Therefore, there are 2.6 amps – 0.7 amps = 1.9 amps going into 2 hands. So: Power going into 1 hand is 24 volts x 0.2 amps = 4.8 watts. Power going into 2 hands is 24 volts x 1.9 amps = 45.6 watts.   (this tube/Ultra/hand conductivity is on the hot side- our specifications show minimum values)

VIEW VIDEO on  how the Power increases when touching the BCX Ultra Hand held ray tubes

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