Beyond a treatment plan!

Hi Diann,

I just wanted to update you on my practitioner’s session with Mark.  I just got off of the phone with him.  We had what I considered a very productive hour.  I was impressed as he was very prepared to speak towards my condition specifically.  I could tell that he did his homework.  Beyond just providing me with a treatment plan, which I’m excited about starting, we had a very good discussion about the BCX, rife technology, how to use the equipment in the house, and so on.  I started the meeting with a whole page of questions and without specifically asking them, he basically covered them all throughout the course of the session.  I was very pleased.  I feel so much more comfortable about using the equipment following this call.

Anyway, I’m not much of a writer.  I just wanted to pass along my thanks for making your practitioners available to your customers and share a good word specifically about Mark.



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