Category: Practitioner

Our amazing BCX Ultra practitioner testimonials

Hymbas Rife Practitioner 10 out of 10!

Hymbas Rife Practitioner 10 out of 10!

Good morning from Oregon! I had my practitioner session with Jim Dier on Saturday. He was wonderful.   I give him a 10/10. Very informative, helpful, understanding of machine and beyond.  You should give him a good tip! In gratitude, D.…

HYMBAS Rife Practitioner Raving Review

HYMBAS Rife Practitioner Raving Review

Dear Diann,  I recently purchased the BCX Ultra Deluxe from Hymbas and had my first practitioner session with Mark yesterday.  My experience with Mark has been nothing but incredible from scheduling, to conducting the session, answering all my questions and letting…