Hi Diann,
Yes I have had very good success with relieving pain and muscle spasms from my scoliosis with the machine. Since scoliosis
affects the entire spine, it is necessary to treat not just the most painful areas but the curve itself.
* For my stiff neck: PP#1097, frequencies 4.9, 6, 9.19 (stiff neck)
# 412, frequencies 20 (fascia)
(sticky electrodes on neck)
* For upper shoulders: PP#806 frequencies 965, 20, 120, 240, 760,
6.8, 6000, 304 (muscles, tense to relax)
(sticky electrodes on neck)
However PP#806 (to relax tense muscles) works very well with the raytubes (hand-held) and footplates for all over relief.
*For headache: PP#522, frequencies 160, 9.6, 3000 (due to vertebral misalignment)
I found raytubes (hand-held) and footplates worked the best for me. During a several month period of headaches, I found another set of frequencies to use along with PP#522. They are Subluxation, Spine Distortion, frequencies 9.1, 9.6, 66, 110. I used infared heat on my neck first and ran both sets for 5 min each, again with raytubes (hand-held) and footplates. The following evening my neck popped 3 times and in two days I had good movement in my neck…and still do. Two very good chiropractors could not release it.
With scoliosis it is an ongoing problem but it can be managed. Exercise is very important to keep your muscles strong. I am 66 and find water aerobics helpful. The BCX Ultra has been wonderful to help relieve severe pain and stiffness.
Thank you Diann for all of your technical advice and support.
Naoma F.