Your Hymbas Rife Practitioner gets 10 out of 10!!!

I’m sending this e-mail as an evaluation of my telecom this afternoon with your Hymbas Practitioner,  Mark . I would give him a 10 score of possible 10.

Thank you so very much for your immediate response yesterday to my request to be assigned to a Practitioner who is best suited to my help me fight my lung cancer diagnosis. Mark put me at ease right away in the 1st phone call yesterday to book the free Session included with my purchase.  It was much more than just making an appointment.  I felt like I was talking to a friend.  

In the 1st session today, Mark patiently and carefully questioned me to develop my specifically tailored plan for nutrition, supplements, and my unique detailed instructions to use the BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife System,  the Ultra Beam Tube……all with the goal to kill my the lung cancer!  

Mark patiently listened to me read the complete medical details of my lung cancer diagnosis from the results of the recent CT Scan.   He carefully and thoughtfully discussed my current extensive list of nutritional supplements and made recommendations for adjustments that I intend to follow.  Mark tactfully made suggestions on the nutritional changes that I will need to make in the timing and consumption of food and beverages.  He did not rush me at all in the interview.  

His thorough written nutrition recommendations and detailed instructions/ programs for using the Rife machines arrived within minutes of our phone conversation today.   He is a true professional.

Mark’s over 20 year knowledge in dealing with cancer clients, metered with realistic expectations, and encouragement to do my entire Program really helped me raise my faith and hope to fight this disease.

In summary, I feel so very fortunate to have been assigned to Mark. Mark has extensive knowledge in methodologies to holistically fight cancer, has a high confidence in using your machines which he believes are 2nd to none in the Rife industry, and has excellent communication skills! 

Today I am confident that I can do this thanks to Mark’s amazing launch to begin this journey.    I’ve been given the best start ever! 

Thank you so very much!


L. Griffith

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