Dear Judy,
I just wanted you to know how much the Rife Frequency machine that you sold me has improved my health. I have multiple chemical sensitivities, allergies to pollens and molds, and suffered from frequent sinus infections. It is so important to me that I am not on any antibiotics or steroids to further deplete my immune system. So now I rely on the Rife Frequencies to knock out any infection or virus that I get. It works great for the urinary track infections that I have had. I found that just with a couple of treatments using the frequencies, totally killed the bacteria that caused this infection.
I work in the aircraft bussiness and I am exposed to many toxins. The frequencies help me detoxify these, making it easier to cope from day to day. Several months ago I accidently got a grafite sliver in my finger, and did not notice it until it got infected. I removed it and put antibiotic ointment on my finger. But a couple of days later the infection was worse with swelling and a red streak running down my finger. Well, it was the Rife Frequencies to the rescue. I used the frequencies for staph infections and within a few days the swelling and redness was almost completly gone.
So there is no more going to the doctor anymore, or taking unwanted drugs. And it is saving me hundreds of dollars. My husband also uses this technology and has good results, so we are well pleased with this product.
Thanks so much for your expert advice and improving our health.
Sally E..
Little Rock