The BCX Ultra contains multiple oscillators to generate low (audio) and high (radio) frequencies, just like the original Rife machine. All of the low frequencies, and more, can be directly programmed into the BCX Ultra. All of the high frequencies, and more, can be produced as well. Just like Rife’s original equipment, the BCX Ultra generates high frequencies through Harmonics.
All methods produce powerful amounts of energy. (Note: perfect Sinewaves produce NO harmonics.)
Odd Order Harmonics:
A Squarewave produces Odd Order Harmonics. These are frequencies higher than the one you start with. IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to produce powerful Odd Order Harmonics, you must have a high fidelity Square waveform with very low Rise and Fall time. Rise and Fall time of the BCX Ultra Squarewave is a very low 150 nsec across it’s entire frequency and voltage range.
The first Odd Harmonic is 3 times the fundamental frequency, the second Odd Harmonic is 5 times the fundamental frequency, and the third Odd Harmonic is 7 times the fundamental frequency. (There are an infinite number of additional harmonics, but the power decreases as the number increases.)
So, to obtain one of Rife’s “medium” frequencies, say 192 kHz, a fundamental can be determined by dividing a squarewave by 3 (192,000 Hz / 3 =64,000 Hz). Shown is the output of a BCX Ultra producing 192kHz using a high quality squarewave with a fundamental of 64 kHz. The Fundamental of 64 kHz, and 3’rd Harmonic of 192 kHz are highlighted.
Sideband Harmonics:
Pulsing a waveform with a Squarewave produces Sideband Harmonics. These are frequencies higher and lower than the one you start with. IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to produce powerful Sideband Harmonics, you must have a high fidelity Square waveform with very low Rise and Fall time. Rise and Fall time of the BCX Ultra Squarewave is a very low 150 nsec across it’s entire frequency and voltage range.