With our BCX Ultra we feel like we have the big guns we need to defeat the enemy!


  I wanted to let you know that my wife and I had our first session with Mark today.  We found Mark to be a kindred spirit and we knew right away how knowledgeable he was in this field of Rife.  Mark asked lots of questions and so did my wife and I.  He had every answer like he had heard these questions many times before.  He made us feel like we can beat this cancer (and any other ailment actually) that has invaded my wife’s body using the RIfe technology.  Mark sent us the custom protocol as soon as we were off the phone.  Mark is a treasure to us and to your company I would surmise.  Thank you so much for giving us time with him.  Now off to the trenches.  We have a long and arduous battle ahead of us, but with our BCX Ultra we feel like we have the big guns we need to defeat the enemy!

Doug and Jamie F.

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