Sound Waves vs BCX Ultra Rife frequencies

Sound Waves vs BCX Ultra Rife frequencies

Sound is the modulation of physical pressure through a medium- air, water, rock, etc. The human audible modulation range is generally 20hz to 20khz, which is the audio range. The BCX Ultra Rife machine modulates electricity, which is flow of…

Basal Cell carcinoma Fades Away

Basal Cell carcinoma Fades Away

Using the BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife machine with the plasma raytubes, BCX LEDs & a Hymbas practitioner protocol and in a short amount of time you can see how the Basal Cell has faded away. 1st picture is before treatment…

Truly Amazing Healing!

Truly Amazing Healing!

Hello Hymbas, My Testimonial using the BCX Ultra rife machine with the BCX Ultra RED LEDs: My brother had 2 squamous cell carcinoma cut out of his legs. After 7 weeks of the doctor’s protocols for post surgery, they were…